Rubio’s Opposition Reaserach Team Likes to Watch Porn

So it looks like a porn actress has turned up in a Ted Cruz campaign ad, which they have now pulled:

In the ad, softcore porn veteran Amy Lindsay’s character tells a member of the group that he “should vote for more than just a pretty face.”

A spokesman for the campaign told Buzzfeed that Cruz’s campaign said Lindsay had responded to an open casting call and the production company did not properly vet her.

Since the ad targets Marco Rubio, it’s safe to assume that  Rubio’s opposition research team is responsible for exposing  this non-scandal.

Which raises the question: how exactly was team Rubio able to easily identify a porn actress? I guess her face must have been pretty familiar to them!

By contrast, she managed to squeak past team Cruz because apparently no one on the Cruz camp recognized her.

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